GNC V&V workshop in July 2025

25 November 2024

DYCSYT is involved in the organization of the GNC V&V (Verification & Validation) workshop in ISAE-Supaero in July 2025. In particular, the SDTlib will be used in a practical training using Matlab-Simulink for the modeling, control and analysis of a flexible spacecraft (Tutorial Short Course on Modeling, Control, Analysis and V&V applied to robust attitude control of a large flexible spacecraft).

Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit a technical abstract for a presentation at the second GNC V&V Workshop to be held on 9-10 July 2025 at the Institut Supérieur de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace (ISAE-SUPAERO) in Toulouse, France.

Session themes

The following sessions are envisionned:

  • Recent Real-World Space Mission GNC V&V experiences
  • Efficient V&V Tools and Methodologies for Systems Using Modern GNC Technologies
  • Bridging the Research-Industrial Gap
  • GNC Benchmark Problems and Potential Solutions
  • V&V Research in Academia
  • New Space Alternative Approaches to the Traditional GNC V&V Process
  • V&V Methods and Techniques for Non-Space Safety-Critical Mission Applications
  • Innovative Student Research in GN&C V&V

Complete descriptions are available on the workshop’s website.

About the Inter-Agency GNC V&V Working Group

The Inter-Agency GNC V&V Working Group is an informal collation including representatives from the European Space Agency (ESA), the National Centre for Space Studies (CNES), the German Aerospace Center (DLR), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the French Aerospace Lab (ONERA), The Italian Space Agency (ASI), and ISAE-SUPAERO. The Inter-Agency GNC V&V Working Group is narrowly focused on exploring solutions to improve the collective capabilities of the space agencies and their industrial partners to perform efficient GNC V&V on modern algorithms for space systems. The Working Group recognizes that the V&V process is a significant cost driver in space mission GNC system developments. The Working Group seeks to identify the new GNC V&V technologies, approaches, methodologies, tools, and processes needed to deal with the evolving complex GNC systems of the future. The Inter-Agency GNC V&V Working Group has carefully considered this fundamental question: Will the GNC engineering community of practice be sufficiently prepared to perform the necessary V&V on evolving GNC architectures and algorithms that are driven by very demanding requirements for autonomy, resiliency, reconfigurability, adaptability, and mission cost-benefit balance? Additional information on the findings and recommendations of the Inter-Agency Working Group are provided here:

This text is from:, where more information is available.